First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code: 
  1. How often do you travel for pleasure
    More than 4 times a year
    4 times a year
    3 times a year
    2 times a year
    1 time a year
    Less than 1 time a year

  2. What time of year would you normally travel to the SoBe

  3. Approximately how far in advance do you plan your vacation
    More than one year
    One year
    6 months
    3 months
    1 month
    Less than 1 month

  4. What are your primary interests?
    Beaches Nightlife Sports
    Spa Dining Golf
    Gaming Shopping Dive

  5. What group best describes your party
    Families with teenagers
    Families with children under 12
    Families with both

  6. How long will you stay
    1 to 3 days
    3 to 5 days
    5 to 7 days
    7 to 10 days
    More than 10 days

  7. What type of accommodations are you interested in
    Resort room
    Resort Suite

  8. How did you hear about us
    Travel agent TV
    Family Internet
    Friend Newspaper
    Magazine In the mail

  9. Do you most often buy
    buy a packaged vacation
    buy your hotel and air separately

  10. Do you most often book
    book online
    book through a travel agency
    book directly through a reservations office

  11. We would like your permission to add you to our email list for Newsletters and or Specials
    Yes please add me to your email list
    No I prefer to not be added to your email list